Axle Systems, the Leading System installer, and supplier in Qatar, provides sophisticated Queue management Systems or Customer flow Management Systems in Qatar Market by partnering with Q-better which is the industry leader based in Portugal for Queuing system

Long queues and waiting times are a widespread problem across all sectors and customer experience is a critical differentiator for all organizations. Good customer experience is ruined by long-awaited Queues. Staff often do feel difficult to serve the customers and manage them in Queues. Even the whole customer and service management become cumbersome. Thus a well-ordered Queuing mechanism is important for any enterprise with multiple services. Providing a high-quality service with a well-organized Queue management system will strengthen brands and retain customers and increase their expectations.

Axle System integrates with Qbetter and provides a high-performance system. Qbetter has designed a systematic Queue management system based on Bloom technology.

Bloom is an advanced customer flow management system that keeps customers informed about the queue process, assuring that their priority in line is being respected. Bloom system

  • allows professionals to collect all the information they need to manage effectively their services and resources.
  • With an extremely intuitive approach, the system and components setup is quick and simple.
  • Gathers data to show essential statistics about the service performance.
  • Helps businesses to organize and plan customer service in advance, improving resources deployment.
  • Allows customers to take a ticket before they arrive at the site and it keeps them informed about the queue status.


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