QAR 68.00


Environment / Climate / Range  This species is found from the southern Red Sea, Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Thailand, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Philippines and southern Japan. It may also be found in India but new specimens are needed to confirm this.This species is found on sandy coarse substrates and mud with possibly shells and gravel at depths of 8 - 100 m, although it is more commonly found from 10 - 50 m. This is a slow growing species with a well-defined breeding period. The high fecundity, wide dispersal and long-lived nature of this species larvae render this species resilient to complete extirpation from an area (Mikami and Greenwood 1997)
Distribution  Bahrain; Cambodia; China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Zhejiang); Comoros; Djibouti; Ethiopia; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Japan; Kenya; Kuwait; Macao; Madagascar; Malaysia; Maldives; Mozambique; Myanmar; Oman; Pakistan; Philippines; Qatar; ; Seychelles; Singapore; Somalia; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Taiwan, Province of China; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; United Arab Emirates; Viet Nam; Yemen
Size / Weight / Age
Short description This species is found from the southern Red Sea, Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Thailand, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Philippines and southern Japan. It may also be found in India but new specimens are needed to confirm this. This species was recently mistaken for Thenus parindicus and Thenus australiensis, both of which are fished off eastern Australian. As such reports of this species in fisheries reports of the area are false.
Biology This species is found on sandy coarse substrates and mud with possibly shells and gravel at depths of  8 - 100 m, although it is more commonly found from 10 - 50 m .  The high fecundity, wide dispersal and long-lived nature of this species larvae render this species resilient to complete extirpation from an area.