Home Remedies for Tooth Sensitivity

Posted on by Faiyaz Khan

Home Remedies for Tooth Sensitivity


“Tooth Sensitivity”- a common dental problem that involves pain and discomfort in teeth when encountering certain substances or temperatures. It is a type of toothache that occurs on the exposure of something cold, hot or acidic. Sensitive teeth can affect virtually any age or any time. To know more about the causes of tooth sensitivity, pain and its treatment, read below:

Cause of Tooth Sensitivity

When dentin- a material inside your tooth, loses its protective covering of enamel or cementum (an outer layer).

These are the some common factors that contribute to tooth sensitivity:

  • Whitening Treatment
  • Tooth Grinding
  • Cracks and Decay
  • Dental Procedures
  • Harsh Toothpaste and Mouthwashes
  • Harsh Brushing
  • Highly Acidic Foods and Beverages

Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth

  • Increased tooth sensitivity to cold, hot and acidic foods and beverages
  • Tooth pain at breathing time in cold air
  • Swelling and Redness of gums
  • Receding gums

Ways to Prevent Sensitive Teeth

  • Aware of your diet is the best way to prevent sensitive teeth, reduce carbs and sugar amount you are eating
  • If you feel the sensitivity due to an underlying problem like crack or cavity, make to trip to the dentist.
  • Change the toothbrush to a softer bristle
  • Avoid the whitening products until your teeth feel better
  • If you have problems with grinding, buy a good mouthpiece to prevent the grinding from affecting the teeth.

Try Home Remedies:

  • Coconut Oil Pulling
  • Salt Water Rinse
  • Honey and Warm Water
  • Green Tea
  • Clove Oil
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Guava Leaves
  • Fluoride Mouthwash

Coconut Oil Pulling- You might be heard of using a high quality oils like coconut oil to coat the teeth and protect them against gum issues and cavities. Oil pulling with coconut oil is most beneficial for oral health and can help to reduce pain in your teeth.

Salt Water Rinse- Salt includes natural antiseptic properties and it helps to reduce inflammation and toothache.

Honey and Warm Water- Honey can be used to reduce pain from sensitive teeth, because it is an antibacterial agent and helps in wound management. Rinse your mouth with warm water and a spoonful of honey for speed healing, reduce swelling and inflammation.

Green Tea- Green tea is known for its health benefits- can be used in cancer prevention, cardiovascular health studies for its anti-flammatory properties and antioxidant effects. Have unsweetened green tea as mouthwash twice in a day to reduce inflammation and strengthen teeth.

Clove Oil- Dentists actually use clove oil when patients complaining of sensitivity or pain.

Garlic- Garlic will surely help you to relieve the pain what you are experiencing in just a few minutes, but it is not going to help your breath at all.

Onion- Onion contains quercetin ingredient which calms inflammation and sensitivity. It’s long been used to heal the body pain and discomfort.

Guava Leaves- Guava leaves contain flavonoid like rutin and quercetin that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relieve from sensitive toothache.

Fluoride Mouthwash- It’s highly recommended to use Fluoride mouthwash and toothpastes for treating the tooth sensitivity and help strengthen enamel and also reduce the tooth pain to a large extent.

Prevention Tips

  • Brush your teeth very gently
  • Always use a soft bristled toothbrush
  • Avoid grinding the tooth
  • Cut down on acidic foods
  • Follow the good oral hygiene
  • Regularly visit your dentist to keep track of your oral health

While we can use home remedies to get relief from sensitivity tooth pain, but we also need to be careful about our oral health.

Dental Care is a way to keep smile on your face!