Home Remedies to Bring Down Your Fever Naturally!

Posted on by Faiyaz Khan

Home Remedies to Bring Down Your Fever Naturally!

Changing weather is usually amid fever. Most of the people fall sick as soon as there's even the slightest change within the season. An increase in body temperature, body ache, and head pain are a number of the common symptoms of fever. And if you do not already know, fever is one of the ways our body fights infection and protects us from other diseases. But nobody likes to spend the whole day on the bed.

Anyone who has ever had a fever knows how miserable and worrisome they will be, particularly when handling young children. Fevers are a standard sign of illness and a necessary response to stimulate the system and avoid unwanted invaders which thrive at normal temperature. A fever is an honest indicator that your system is functioning properly. Fevers play a significant role in fighting illnesses and will be worked with, instead of against. But they're uncomfortable and leave the patient feeling miserable.

But when it involves fevers, we regularly are hasty in reaching for the medication bottle. Regarding the cold, flu, or virus infection, it should be counterproductive to suppress a fever using conventional OTC treatments, like acetaminophen. It’s going to provide some temporary relief, but it should make it harder for the system to do its job. Significant research suggests that a mild-to-moderate fever should be allowed to run its course, and by doing so, it can shorten the duration of the illness and reduce the possibility of spreading the disease to others.

Symptoms of fever:

The average body temperature is around 98.6°F (37°C). However, the temperature fluctuates naturally throughout the day, especially with physical activity.

Aside from a better blood heat, someone with a fever may additionally experience:

* sweating

* chills

* Headache

* Muscle aches

* Loss of appetite

* Fatigue

* Lethargy

However, there are many ways to treat a fever at home, here are some home remedies to induce relief from fever.

Drink hot ginger tea

Brewing a cup of hot ginger tea is additionally effective once you are affected by fever. To make the tea, add half-teaspoon minced ginger root in 1 cup of boiled water. Strain it then drink.

Make your food spicy

Having spicy food is additionally very effective once you have a fever. So you'll consider sprinkling some cayenne pepper on your foods. The most component of this ingredient is capsaicin that produces a person sweat and promotes rapid blood circulation.

Drink plenty of fluid

When anyone has a fever, it is easy to become dehydrated. Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily or enough to form your urine pale. A sports drink like Gatorade also can be helpful. It not only replaces fluids lost to dehydration but lost minerals similarly.

Orange juice and other fruit juices rich in vitamin C are good choices since vitamin C assists your system in fighting off infection.

Cold grapes provide hydration-and a soothing treat.

Treat fever with wet socks

If you're affected by fever, try using wet socks for the cure. Wash your feet with warm water. Soak a pair of socks in cold water and wring them out. Wear the wet socks and above it, wear a pair of dry wool socks. The wet socks will assist you to get eliminate the fever and increase circulation throughout the body.

Take a bath

Taking bath in lukewarm water works brilliantly in bringing the blood heat down. Don’t attempt to bring down your fever by soaking yourself in cool water. By soaking in cold water, your interior warms up rather than cooling down.

Sponge bath

In case you are doing not want to require a shower, then you'll get an ablution. Sponge high-heat areas like armpits and groin with cool water to scale back your blood heat. You’ll also place a moist cloth on your forehead and back of your neck.


Fighting an infection takes plenty of energy. People should rest the maximum amount as possible to assist the body recover.

Dressing lightly

Having a fever can cause an individual to feel hot one minute and cold following. Wearing too many layers can trap heat against the body, raising blood heat further.

People should wear a few layers and add more if they begin to feel cold.


You may be ready to prevent fevers by reducing exposure to infectious diseases. Here are some tips that may help:

* Wash your hands often and teach your children to try and do a similar, especially before eating, after using the rest room, after spending time during a crowd or around someone who's sick, after petting animals, and through travel on public transportation.

* Explain your children the way to wash their hands thoroughly, covering both the front and backside of every hand with soap and rinsing completely under running water.

* Carry moist towelettes or hand sanitizer with you for times once you do not have access to soap and water.

* attempt to avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes, as these are the most ways in which viruses and bacteria can enter your body and cause infection.

* Cover your mouth once you cough and your nose once you sneeze, and teach your children to try and do likewise. Whenever possible, shrink back from others when coughing or sneezing to avoid passing germs along to them.

* Avoid sharing cups, water bottles, and utensils together with your child or children.

When to see a doctor

People should make certain to check a doctor if they or their child experience a high or persistent fever that doesn't answer medication.

It is also important to hunt medical attention if the fever is amid any of the subsequent symptoms:

* Stiffness or pain within the neck

* Sensitivity to light

* Rash

* Dehydration

* Seizure